
Sunday, November 11, 2012


One of my husband's favorite Dr. Seuss books is "The Lorax". Naturally, when it came out on dvd, we had to get it. It's been months that we've had it (I think) and we finally had a chance to watch it today.

Now, I've always been fairly environmentally conscious by recycling and using reusable grocery bags. I try to recycle anything from our home. I use heavy duty reusable grocery totes. We don't buy water bottles and filter our own water. We reuse Walmart bags when we have them. I turn off the water when I am brushing my teeth and, thanks to Ayden, I now take shorter showers. We switched to long life light bulbs. We try not to drive places if we don't have to, but I have to wonder if we are really being very environmentally friendly.

The Lorax is that movie that when watching, my heart hurts. Ok, I get it. I'm a total softy when it comes to animals. It really made me think of how much I hate to see animals getting hit on the road or pictures of neglected animals. I hate the idea of forests being cut down and animals no longer having a habitat. This may seem a little crazy but it's something that I really do want to help with- even if it's only a small amount.

So I need some help from you readers. How do I help my family become more "green"? What are ways that we can help the environment and the animals that inhabit it? How can I teach our son that we need to preserve these things? How does your family try to stay "green"?

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." -Dr. Seuss