
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Clarity through the fog

Tuesday morning, as I drove Ayden to the sitter's house, there was a thick layer of fog. As I crested the hill, I looked to my left and noticed a section of trees that I had never noticed before. The trees were short and dark and the fog casted a gray coloring on the morning. It was a very beautiful sight that I had never noticed in the past four weeks. At that moment, it struck me that I yearn for that kind of clarity. That sometimes life can be very foggy but to see something I've never seen before would be nice.

Well Thursday night was that clarifying moment...thanks to my very wise husband. We had had a very busy week and Friday would be no different. After Ayden was in bed, I came to the kitchen to make lunch and get things together. Noah had just gotten home from class and wanted to have a hug moment. I quickly brushed him aside and said "I don't have time...I want to get this stuff together." As the words left my mouth, I felt awful for saying them. Was it really vital that I make lunch that moment instead of hugging my husband? So I went to him, wrapped my arms around him and said "I'm sorry. I love you. I'm just exhausted. After tomorrow, I'll slow down."

In that moment, his wisdom shone through. "I know you say that. But what if there was no tomorrow?"

I have to say I was taken back. He was absolutely right. I realized that although things in my day to day life can be kinda foggy at times, I need to take a minute to stop and notice the beautiful sights.

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