
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Clothes...clothes...and more clothes!

To continue my journey to simplification, I started cleaning Ayden's closet out and organizing his clothes. Can I just son is a very lucky boy. He has so much clothing and so many books, I'm not totally sure what to do with all of it.

We obviously plan to have more children, and not knowing if it will be a boy or girl, we are keeping all the baby clothes. However, storing these clothes and accoutrements is not the easiest of tasks. We, as you know by other posts, don't have much storage in our townhome. Not to mention, any storage we did have is currently be taken up by a baby swing, baby car seat, baby activity mat, baby jumper, get the idea. So finding room for baby clothes sounds easy, but not in this quantity.

So Ayden's clothes are now broken into sizes by age and put into bins. These bins include receiving blankets, newborn hats, and any other "newborn" items. My maternity clothes are also stored in bins for easy access in the future.

Then organizing Ayden's books...well that's a different story. He has a lot of holiday books so those have been put in a bin, in his closet, to access during that time of year. His other books are displayed on shelves in his bedroom- because we read a book each night. I'd like to know what you moms do with your children's books? We don't have room for a bookcase per se, so what is an efficient way to incorporate books into his room but not take up much space?


  1. ikea spice racks - attach them to his dresser or to any open wall space.

  2. Idea for the storage of the clothes - instead of bins (or put these into the bins), get those vacuum seal bags and you can store soooo much more in a smaller space. I watched my old roommate stuff a huge down comforter into one of those bags and it shrunk to such a small size! Will totally help cut down on the amount of storage space you need for those things you are saving for the next baby!
