After cleaning out the entire office and play room yesterday, I figured today would be a bit of a rest day for my organizing muscles. But even on a rest day, some kind of work needs to be done. Easy work.
today, my sewing box was calling my name. I'm only an amateur
seamstress so I don't have much in the ways of supplies but what I do
have was a bit messy.
It's only a small box but takes forever to find something. |
Yep, that's a hair my sewing box. |
This was a very simple fix. Get rid of the stuff that I don't need. When I created a few growth charts, I printed letters, cut them out, and then threw them in the box. They can go. Spare pieces of thread that I thought in some world would end up being used...nope! They can go too! And just like yesterday, sort everything into piles (no matter how big or small) and purge. Then once you've done that, start putting things away in the designated or best compartments. And voilĂ !
Looks great!