
Monday, December 31, 2012

My game face for 2013

I am not typically a reflective person. I have the terrible habit of speaking without thinking and being very impulsive. It's how I've always been. So with 2012 coming to an end, I've become much more introspective. Maybe it's 2012 ending or maybe because I'm turning 30 this year or maybe because I'm ready for a change. Either way, I'm taking a long look in the mirror and figuring out what I want to look at for the rest of my life.

I like my family and job. I enjoy my day to day life and am generally happy with where I'm at in life. I certainly didn't know I'd be where I am. In my teens, I thought I'd be married with multiple kids... Living in a small house with a dog. You know... The typical all American dream. I don't know that my life has stayed on the same path but I am still living a very nice life.

However, as I mentioned before, I have become very introspective and reflective in my soon to be "old age". I am not necessarily happy with the way I act and how I treat some important people in my life. I think, like many, I tend to take many things in my life for granted. So this year, I am going to change my life. Figure out who I am; what I like; how I should act; what I want; how to simplify my life.

So listed below are very specific things I want to change about my job, my house, my family, my marriage, my finances, my attitude, my looks, my personality, and my life.

Simplify my house:
Noah and I want to move into a bigger house with a yard. I simply think that if we got rid of a bunch of stuff we could live in this house a little longer than we had originally planned. So there are many things we need to change... See the following list.
Clean out my closet and get rid of clothes/purses/shoes and donate
Clean out my dresser and night stand
Purge jewelry
Store Ayden's outgrown clothes in tubs downstairs
Clean out bathroom and closet in bathroom
Get rid of old makeup and toiletries
Go through Ayden's closet and reorganize
Organize the guest closet
Wash wedding gown and get set in box
Get rid of DVDs clean out junk drawer in tv stand
Go thru Ayden's toys and store/rotate
Purge games from behind the couch
Purge kitchen cabinets and red cabinet
Clean oven
Scrub cabinets
Clean fridge and organize- freezer included
Scrub kitchen floor
Clean my office and organize Ayden's workspace
Get rid of video games that aren't used anymore
Hang pictures
Hem curtains in guest room
Clean and paint back door
Make new recycling bins for outside- streamline the trash process
Clean out garage and organize all decorations and bins- purge purge purge
Hide tv cables
Noah's closet and dresser and nightstand
Fix chair rail
Fix corner
Caulk and 1/4 round in front of bathtub and Noah's shower
Fix windows in guest bedroom
Deep clean all carpets and start removing shoes
Go through coat closet
Organize binders for house stuff 
Streamline filing system

Simplify my job:
Plan at work and get things ready the night before
Don't waste time when planning/grading
Be a more positive force in school

Be in the moment with my family:
Read every night to Ayden and limit how much tv is on when he is awake
Take Mac for a walk each week
Eat dinner at the table with Noah and Ayden

Appreciate my marriage:
Be more intimate in my marriage
Tell him thank you so much more often and truly show your appreciation
Go on more date nights
Talk with him more- less venting

Organize my finances:
Pay off at least one credit card bill if not both
Track all spending for each month
Organize billing and switch to online bill pay
Cut down on grocery bill and monthly expenses
Cut down on Verizon
Cut down on any spending that is not necessary

My attitude:
No cursing
Ease up on sarcasm
Show people you care more often
Go to church and truly digest the information
Stop trying to "keep up with the Jones"- be grateful for what you do have
Listen 1000 times, think 100 times, react 10 times, speak once

My looks:
Bleach teeth
Lose 5 pounds
Wear clothes that flatter me
Create a better bedtime routine
Eat healthier food
Do yoga more
Face yoga

Simplify my online profiles:
Close twitter accounts
Delete Facebook friends
Close email accounts and blogs
Streamline email accounts and profiles
Make a list of important information and log in information
Projects to finish:
Wedding book
Mac's scrapbook
Start a new Ayden book for 2013
Make purse
Make duvet cover
Make coasters
Make recipe book
Finish dolman shirt
Make check your pockets
Cut bottom of bottles
Make hanging plants
Make survival kits
Make wooden mat
Make striped skirt
Make Noah's blanket
Make tie shirt

Plans for the future:
Figure out house plans and what we want as a family
Figure out the plan for schooling and licensure in counseling

These may seen to be silly goals and some are very small while others are much more involved. Either way, I look at 2012 with fond memories in mind and look forward to making 2013 a year of new beginnings. I'll be 30 and that is the only "certainty" I have. I know I am not able to control everything but I want to make some changes this year. That's exactly what I plan to do.

Happy new year to you all and I hope 2013 proves to be a very blessed year.