
Monday, September 5, 2011

Where are yours?

Many have the responsibility of going to work each day for the entire year. As a teacher, I do have a "down" period, in which things seem to slow a bit and I'm not so rushed. That time is over. With every coming school year, I feel myself tensing and getting amped up for another go at the planning, grading, phone calls, planning, work load, planning, case load of students, budgets, planning, cleaning, talking, decision making, and planning... did I mention planning? :-) Due to me being such a OCD-like planner, I'm constantly surprised that no matter how much time I put into getting ready, I've always have something that comes up and needs to be altered. This is the life of a teacher.

But I'm not writing about teaching tonight. Tonight, I'm writing about priorities. I know, I'm getting patient.

The reason I start with all that information about teaching is because it seems that each year, even though I tell myself I won't, I make my job a priority. Priority is a word I'm using lightly at this time. For instance...

This weekend, because of Labor Day, was a three day weekend for us. Friday night, I came home and got to finally relax after getting sick my first week and realizing that NONE of my shoes truly fit my swollen feet anymore. (This was after I did my weekly vacuuming and cleaning of the house). Saturday, my parents  came down for the day and we went around town running errands. Sunday, Noah and I had to go grocery shopping and then to a fantastic BBQ with friends. And today, we finally got a small chance to sleep in then go to my mother-in-law's house for a picnic. Sounds lovely right? It was...except one thing.

My mind wasn't with my friends and family this weekend at all- it was with work. (See where I'm going with the priority thing?)

I've come to realize that although my job "slows" down at some points, I never really stop thinking about work. As soon as I wake up, I think of students that are giving me a rough time, or the student that just doesn't get it, or what I'm going to plan for tomorrow, how I'm going to incorporate all the standards and benchmarks, how I'm going to challenge my cherubs...wait! There I go again! Talking about school.

My point is that although I care about my job and I truly want to do the best job I can as a teacher, my priorities seem to get all mixed up as soon as the school year is in full swing. This isn't something I'm proud all.

So here goes! I want to (publicly) rearrange my priorities and get them where they should be.

1. My wonderful husband, Noah. He, of all people, understands how draining and time consuming teaching can be but when the school year begins, he's the first to get shut down and sometimes even the cold shoulder. This isn't fair in any way. He helps me with any struggles I have at work and is always there for me. I need to make sure that he is my first and foremost priority- even with school going on. I honestly could do nothing without him.

2. My family- baby, Mac, Heckman's, Austin's. They also are extremely understanding about my schedule with teaching and how time consuming it can be. However, in the "slow" time of my work, I have no problem contacting my parents and having conversations with them. When school starts, it's like I'm suddenly unavailable for chatting and only call them when I need something important. Again, not fair and certainly not fun for anyone. I will make the effort to contact my family members more often, even if I have "work" to be done.

3. My fabulous friends- I have some amazing friends. Whether I've known you since grade school (LC-B), or we met in college (EC, JD, TT, HG, SB, AW, omg and so many many more), or I've worked with you (CW, SH, SC, EC, CL)- you are all very important to me. I'm not the best at cultivating friendships and I tend to fall out of touch with people but these people have been there for me in one way or another. I forget that even though I'm working, I still need to make time for my friends. Thank you all for putting up with my craziness.

4. My house/car- Yes, I know this is probably a weird one but I was always taught to take care of my belongings and the things that I work hard for. I mean what's the point in working that hard for something that just gets trashed all the time and never taken care of?!

5. Myself- I enjoy doing little hobbies (scrapbooking, sewing, photography, watching trashy reality tv, and doing yoga). I need to keep up with that. I never thought it would matter when I was growing up but I realize more and more each day that you can only enjoy things like that if you DO them. So that is another goal of mine: take time to do the things I enjoy doing.

Now here is my challenge to you. Figure out where your priorities lay. In my five listed above, do you see anywhere in there to be at school by 5:30 am and work until 10 pm? Or be the best teacher in the entire school? Or to master the art of challenging the youth of today? No, you didn't. Please don't misunderstand me. I still want to be a great teacher but in all reality, it's just a job. I need to make sure I'm taking care of myself and the people/things around me that I care about WAY more. I hope you can find the time to do the same for you and yours...

1 comment:

  1. You are by far a very accomplished person, you might not realize it, but you put others before yourself, which is an awesome trait to possess. I am happy to be considered your friend. Love you much, cannot wait for baby Mac to arrive.
