
Sunday, October 30, 2011

A letter to my son...

To my dearest baby boy,

I remember being a teenager, thinking of what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. There were visions of college, houses, marriage, family traditions and trips, and you. Of all of those things, being a mom was the most important thing on my list. I felt that I was meant to be a mother- put on this Earth for one purpose. As I got older, I realized that there would need to be certain things happen before I could meet you. I wanted to provide you with so many things- a safe home, patience, stability, security, love, and an amazing father. Your father and I have made this home for you and filled it with love. We can't wait to share our lives with you and teach you so many things.

I know I haven't met you yet but I feel as though I already know you- you've certainly made an impression already. Carrying you with me for the past months has been one of the most exciting times of my life. Feeling you move, worrying about you, hearing your heartbeat, seeing you at doctor's appointment, preparing your room and even washing your clothes has been such a great time for me. Needless to say, I'm beyond excited to meet you, hold you, care for you, and most importantly love you with everything I have.

I often find myself "spacing out" and daydreaming about what you will look like, what silly things you will do (I'm sure you'll take after your father in the humor category), who you will become, what struggles you will face, what changes you will make in this world, and so many other things. I've never been in a situation in which I know that a person has so much possibility and nothing standing in his or her way. In this case, it's you. You can be and do anything. It's a clean slate and you have all the possibilities and capabilities in the world. Know that I will be there to support you, help you, guide you, discipline you when needed, and love you no matter what your choices. I will be there to catch you if you mess up because it's bound to happen but I will also be there to share in your joys- because those are bound to happen much more frequently.

You have already made such an impact in my life. Thank you for the opportunity to be your mother. I'm sure I won't be perfect by any means. There will be times in which I will say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing, and make you very angry; but know that I love you more than words could ever express. I may not be perfect but I will always strive to be the best mother that I can possibly be- to provide you with good examples and teach you right from wrong. I feel very blessed to be your mother and I want you to know that you are truly a gift to me and our family.

I love you with all my heart and I know that you will forever change my life in ways that you cannot imagine. Know that I will do anything for you...Hope to see you soon.

With more love than you can imagine,
Your mother

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