
Sunday, October 23, 2011

That's your choice to make...

*Warning: This post is a bit of a vent so bare with me.

After being pregnant for 37 weeks, I can honestly say that I'm thrilled with my choice to become a parent. Yes, I know that my life will never be the same. Trust really, I get it. I am well aware that my sleeping patterns, finances, social life, marriage, and many other things will forever be changed due to my personal choice to conceive, be pregnant, and keep this child. I have already made sacrifices that some may not understand. No, I haven't had an alcoholic drink since January 1st. No, I don't dye my hair anymore due to the chemicals. No, I don't eat raw sushi. No, I can't spend the money on a lavish vacation or outrageous clothes. No, I can't stay up super late anymore. No, I don't feel comfortable going to a dance club or bar with this giant belly. No, I don't currently have an office of my own because it has become a baby nursery. No, I can't fit any of my clothes that I used to be able to wear. No, my body will never look the way it did before. And most importantly, NO I DON'T REGRET MY DECISION!

Excuse my passion but I want to make something clear. To become a parent is a very special and personal choice. Just like NOT wanting to be a parent is a special and personal choice. I understand that people may not comprehend my choice but I do wish people would respect it. Just like I respect their choice to NOT become a parent. I can, at times, be judgmental but this is one opinion that I can honestly say I have NEVER judged anyone on. I truly feel that it is not my place to tell people whether or not they should or should not have children. I have never tried to convince anyone that doesn't want children that they should nor will I ever do that. To become or not become a parent is your choice and I will forever respect that- if you change your mind or not.

The only thing I ask is to keep your snide remarks to yourself about being pregnant or becoming a parent. I am having a great time being pregnant and preparing for our new addition. We are thrilled to become parents. That being said, I don't appreciate hearing how you think pregnancy is weird and gross; or that children are boring, naggy little brats; or that you would never have children because you truly enjoy life; or that my life will suddenly no longer be enriched because of a study that was recently done. I'm excited to have "pointless and random" conversations with my son about whatever goes through his imaginative brain. I'm excited to watch him grow and learn new things. I'm thrilled to know that I am carrying the love that Noah and I share and that soon he will be here to give us his love too. So despite your passionate feelings about children, can you at least keep your nay-saying to're killing my buzz.

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