
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Taking a leap of faith...

Have you ever wanted to do something but the fear of the unknown stopped you? Maybe the fear of failing is what stopped you...or fear of what others would think? The possibility of losing money? Maybe being afraid that you aren't good enough or smart enough? Either way, you didn't do what you wanted for one reason or another. Being on the ledge is a scary place to be and sometimes even the thought of jumping can be worse.

I've been in that position and find myself in that position a lot. Of course, this situation always seem to relate to my career and schooling but either way, there are always ledges to jump from.

My issue is that I can never seem to get up the gall to jump. I try to weigh the pros and cons...I make lists...I really try to think about the consequences and benefits of each choice. However, it seems as though fear always makes me chicken out. Fear of the unknown, fear of failing, fear of letting people down, fear of what people will think, fear of being out of the comfort zone.

I guess I'd like to hear about a time when you took a leap of faith. What did you do? How did you push yourself off that ledge? How did it turn out? Perhaps hearing about others jumping regardless of the fear will inspire me to jump...


  1. I enjoy leaps of faith! Things always seem to work out - one way or another! Moving to Indy for instance. Where I only knew Jeff and didn't have a job. We got engaged te week I moved out and I struggled for two months before finding my current job - which is the most amazing floor in national leading hospital with great coworkers!

  2. When Tim was born, I took a leap of faith and quit my teaching job. Next thing I knew, I was working at Villanova teaching writing at their night school so Gary would be with the kids when I was not. Not long after that, I was invited to teach computer classes, launching another career. Ever since I took that leap of faith, I've understood that it's important to stand on principle, to trust myself and my abilities, and to follow my dreams. I've never regretted change, but I have regretted times when I have waited too long to change.
