
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Best part of my job...

I have been teaching for 6.5 years and I am constantly astounded at what makes my day as a teacher.

Today, during 7th period, (while being observed by both administrators) I was facilitating a discussion with my sophomores. This isn't anything that I don't normally do so I didn't expect anything different. However, a student that has struggled all year volunteered answers and input on three separate occasions during class.

To those of you that are not educators, this may seem really trival. So a kid spoke in class- so what? Big deal. But for this kid...this is huge. He has struggled all year, debated to go back to his home school, and generally seemed that he didn't enjoy school, let alone my class. For him to feel comfortable enough to discuss things in class and stay with us was awesome and it made my day.

I'm not saying I have anything to do with his new found voice but I will say this- I hope he knows how great I think he is and how he really made me feel like a great teacher. I'm really glad I told him that he did a great job- hope the great work continues.

*good day*

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