
Friday, June 22, 2012

My fear for the future generations...

I succumbed to the temptation of watching the video in which an older lady, who is a bus monitor, and four young boys (I wouldn't dare call them men) heckle her and make her cry. The video is about 8 minutes long and I couldn't bare to watch the entire thing.

Not only was I speechless when watching but it was one of those videos that are like a bad crash- you want to stop watching but can't. Trust me...I had to. I was appalled at the comments made by these young and immature boys. I was sad to see these ignorant boys continue to go after this woman even after she started crying. I couldn't believe that someone would be raised to think that speaking to someone and treating someone like that is acceptable. The entire thing is despicable and sad.

Immediately after watching the little bit I could stand, I heard my child cooing to himself in his crib. He likes to lay in his bed and hold on to his stuffed animal while being completely enthralled with his hands. It became terribly apparent to me that my child will face challenges like this when he is growing up. Will he decide to stick up for someone else if he sees them being bullied? Will he give in and join the bullying? Will he be the one being bullied? All of these scary questions came flooding into my mind.

Now I'd be lying if I said that growing up, I didn't say something bad about someone. I have done that. I still have moments when I'm venting about a situation and I end up bad mouthing someone for what they think about that same situation. Am I proud of that? NO! Of course not! I hate that I fall into that trap of being negative and bad mouthing. It's not a good quality to have and it is certainly not something I'm happy that I do- especially that when I think about what I said, I always feel guilty for even thinking like that.

I have to wonder if these boys have any guilt about acting this way. Do they realize how awful their comments were and how hurtful words can be to someone? I also would love to know how this will impact their lives later. We always say, "Oh just will come back to them. Wait until they grow up to be a giant failure." But will they? Maybe they will never have someone treat them they way they treated someone else. I may never know what will happen to these rude children.

The only thing I can know for sure is that I will try to raise my son to know that saying, writing, typing, texting, taping, and posting things, no matter what the content, needs to be done carefully. And that what you say, do, think, don't do, and see can hurt people.

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