
Saturday, July 23, 2011

The "in your face" bittersweet moment...

To take a break from cleaning topics, I figured I would write about something that is much more meaningful.

Last night, Noah was preparing for his Administration Praxis exam. As he focused, I continued to watch him, my hand on my belly, feeling the baby kick. After he was finished, Mac Dawg jumped up on the couch and we goofed off with our little inside jokes. Mac snuggling between us and the two of us chatting about all kinds of random things. After a little while, there was a short moment of silence. In that moment, it hit me. This bittersweet moment just "smacked" me in the face...things will never be like this again.

Please don't misunderstand me...having a baby was totally in our plan and Noah and I are both beyond thrilled about being parents come November. However, it was in that short silence that I realized that at no point will it be just Noah and I again. Even now a lot of our time (and my brain) is taken up with baby talk- what should go on the registry, the color of the nursery, baby names, day care, baby showers, and plans on traveling...

Having this change in forefront of my mind, I can't help but think about the past few years. Noah and I have been married for three wonderful years and so many amazing memories have been made. I will forever cherish those "alone" moments with my husband- having Family Guy marathons, hanging out with Mac Dawg in the guest bedroom, our hikes and fishing trips, the trip to Jackson Hole, skydiving, and so many more things. I certainly look forward to the future as the mother of his children. I'm only hoping that as a future mommy, I can continue to slow down enough to see my husband the way I currently do. I know time flies so incredibly quickly and I find myself trying to be a sponge to soak up all the memories possible. I love him with all my heart and am so very proud of him.

With all of that "mushy" stuff being said, my resolution is to make time for my husband, even after we are parents. I'm sure many parents are out there getting a kick out of my pledge but I think of it this way... My husband was here first and if it weren't for him, I wouldn't be carrying this miracle. I want to make time with my husband a priority. Don't worry, you are more than welcome to check in on my pledge and see if I'm keeping to my resolution. I won't be offended.

And I still maintain that I am a very lucky woman. I hope everyone has the chance to be as happy as I am.

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