
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Layettes, T-Shirts, and Bibs! Oh MY!

When Noah and I decided to start trying for a family, there were certainly things that may have slipped our minds. The cost of a child wasn't one of those things. We knew that starting a family would be very pricey and we would need to stick to a more realistic budget in order to make it work. However a few things we didn't necessarily consider were the registry items, how difficult it is to name the unborn, and how to agree on the nursery color/bedding/theme/etc.

I realize these things may seem trivial compared to the birth plan, what if's in delivery, how to parent, and the do's and don'ts of how to raise a human being but, at this time in my pregnancy those are the items plaguing my mind.

First, I had no idea how much stuff there is to choose from in places like Babies-R-Us. Between strollers, travel systems, clothing, bedding, formula vs. breastfeeding, pumps, diapers, wipes, monitors, pacifiers, bottles, wipe warmers, carriers, cribs, your head spinning yet? Mine is and I've been doing my research! There are so many choices in these super stores! Not only choices but there are also so many things. I had no idea that I would need to register for so much stuff?! And in all reality, do I need the video monitor? Do I need the diaper genie? Do I need a wipe warmer? To be totally honest, my mom didn't have any of that stuff and I turned out mildly normal. (no comments needed :-) )  The registry is a very overwhelming issue for me. I'm excited to do it but (if you know me) I need a project at all times so the registry has been the target of my obsession. Also, I have apparently started nesting. It's not so much nesting but "pitching". I just want to get rid of everything in my house! When standing in my kitchen, I seriously feel as though I should be on a hoarding show. We have so much stuff that we don't use, that I feel needs to go. I'm perplexed by that same issue with the baby registry. I want my little guy to have everything he could need without having to completely clutter my house with useless stuff. I am very lucky to have friends that have given me books and lists of what to get but I'm still wondering how I will fit everything into our modest townhouse.

Second, naming. *Sigh* Noah and I have agreed that because we have shared the sex of our future baby, we will not be sharing the official name until he arrives. We are very excited to still have a little bit of a surprise for our friends and family when the little guy is here. However, we will have to agree on a name before that time comes. When we found out we were having a boy, I was a bit scared. Not because I didn't want a boy. I think if you know me, a boy makes sense for my first child, but because for a girl we had things planned. Nursery color, names, etc...we were prepared. For a boy...nada! We had discussed names but hadn't totally agreed. Of course at that time, we weren't really concerned. Now, me being the OCD posterchild that I am, I am having a silent panic attack about naming our child. I never completely understood how difficult it is! We want to have an original name for our boy. Noah and I both had unusual names growing up and want our children to have the same experience. However, naming my child "ABCDE" (pronounced ab-sid-dee) isn't what I'm looking for. (Edgar, you knew you would be brought into the blog) The problematic last name could be a culprit but we are just making sure that we find a strong and lasting name for our child. I have so much respect for parents that do well naming their children. I tip my hat to you and ask...HOW DID YOU DO IT!?

Lastly, nursery color/theme/bedding. This is very closely related to registry but Noah and I have differing ideas of what the nursery should look like. He wants blue. I want green. He doesn't see the need for a theme...I do. Bedding is just a silly purchase (says many friends) due to SIDS risks. Jury is still out and when we finally do settle on a color/theme/ will all know.

Overall, these are my current obsessions. Perhaps I'm trying to focus on this so I'm not focused on delivery (yikes) but either way, when I start on something, it needs to be remedied before moving on. Wish me luck!!!

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