
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Bring it on 2012

Each year, I create a huge list of books to read, a specific workout schedule, a hobby I want to try and basically a million other resolutions to try and stick to. (none of which I actually master) So this year I'm going to keep with tradition and DO THE SAME THING. The only difference this year is that my resolutions aren't going to be a list a mile long- just one. Also, I'm going to post them here to have some accountability. That's right! I'm allowing all of you the privilege of calling me out on any of my resolutions. Please understand that I'm not perfect by any means but if I have someone checking in on me, I think that will help. So check on my progress- I'll keep you updated on here as well.

So here we go...

1. SIMPLIFY! I read books all the time on how to simplify my life, and yet, I still get stressed and continually run ragged with the busy things life brings about. I imagine it's inevitable but there are times when I bring the stress on myself. In 2012, I'm determined to destress and simplify. More family, less work. More reading, less tv. More exercise, less sitting. More saving, less spending. More blogging, less venting. More friends, less excuses. More hobbies, less "no time for that". More compliments, less cursing. More fun, less boredom and certainly less pessimism.

I know that sounds like a lot. Didn't I say I was not going to make a bunch of resolutions and just simplify? I know. I know. But in reality, this is my one resolution (with subcategories). :-)

So in general, I'd like to spend more time being with my family and less time thinking about work. I want to be able to focus on what is truly important in my life. I want to finally read the books that I buy and never seem to get to. I want to eat a more healthy diet and get some exercise. (not go crazy with dieting by be healthy) I will finally pay off my car this year and I'd like to start saving for a big family vacation. I want to use this blog more than I have. It's stress relief for me and I don't know why I don't write more. I want to spend more time with friends. I get to see a few of them from time to time but not nearly as much as I'd like. I want to spend more time on my hobbies instead of starting something and never finishing. I REALLY want to stop with the potty mouth. I realize how silly I sound sometimes when I use those words. I want to start living in the moment for once. I find that I plan way too much and although I enjoy a good plan, I'd still like to enjoy my plans when they are unfolding.

There ya have it folks. My 2012 new year resolution. I'll keep you updated on my progress and feel free to check in on me and keep me accountable. Happy new year to you all and I wish you a happy and safe year!

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