
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Look what I did today...organized on a budget

I am totally serious about starting an organizing business. Thinking about it, it really makes sense for me. I can't function if my desk is messy. I HATE it when my dvd's are not alphabetized. And nothing is more annoying than when I go to get something I need and it's not where it should be.

So in my thinking about starting a business, I figured where better to start than in my own home. Now don't get me wrong, we are a tidy household. We can accumulate the typical messes but for the most part, our house is always neat. Over time, I've come to learn that there is a difference between being neat and being organized. Although my house was clean, it isn't totally organized.

This morning, I decided to organize my laundry room. By organize I mean, completely gut the entire reach-in closet, paint, and then organize. (all done before 11 am- yes I'm bragging) I wish I had taken a before shot but I'll include the after shot.

Now how much did this cost me?
Paint- FREE- left over from a previous painting job in the house
Trash bin- $3.99 at IKEA
Bins- $4.96 at Walmart

So my total was around $20!! Talk about organizing on a budget! *added bonus: this gave me a chance to clean behind my washer and dryer!!

Anyone need their laundry room revamped? :-)

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