
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Restoring faith...

Taking some time away from my "simplify" mission, I want to discuss something that happened today. Yes I am still cleaning according to my resolution to simplify but this is much more important. Plus you don't really want to know about me cleaning out my jewelry and bathroom linen closet, do ya?

Didn't think so... So let me give a little background.

On my way home today, I glanced at Facebook and noticed that I had a private message waiting for me. I don't typically use that feature so I couldn't imagine who was sending me a message. It was a friend from high school giving me a very nice compliment. In her message, she explained that she has watched a segment on the Today show about students sending compliments to other students via Twitter to combat cyber bullying.

Being very happy with my compliment, I went to her wall and watched the clip of these 3 young men that have started a Facebook, Twitter, and Gmail account for supporting students and being positive. As a high school teacher, I have to say, I was taken back at how mature, respectful, and inspiring these young men are for their age. I also realize how important their mission really is.

There have been so many days in my 8 years of teaching that I've come how in utter shock of how mean kids can be to one another. Little things that they may not think can hurt someone really do have a major impact sometimes. And I can truthfully say that it's much more intense now with social media.

For instance, when I was in school (yes I hear myself sounding old), one may have gotten a dirty look from a different "crowd" of students if you were trying to fit in and clearly that "crowd" wasn't having it. You may get an eye roll or "dissed" in public but now, it goes way beyond the smirks of snobs. It gets vicious.

Now, if a student has something going on with another student, it isn't handled with a face to face, knock down drag out fight. It's not settled "outside" after school with fists. It's not even done through written notes anymore. It's all out there on the internet for EVERYONE to see.

Students will tweet awful and hurtful things on Twitter and Facebook as if they were creating a "burn book"- thinking that the other person can't see it because "we aren't friends on Facebook" or "she doesn't follow me on Twitter". Either way, it gets around. Everyone has a smart phone and everyone takes pictures/videos of these terrible things and EVERYONE shares these terrible things with EVERYONE else.

I may have gotten off topic but my point is that what these students are doing is changing the mindset that social media is a place for negativity and complaining. They are changing it into something positive and something that enriches our children's lives instead of hindering them and making them feel bad. We all know how good it feels to receive a compliment...even on something miniscule like your outfit or haircut. Either way, what needs to happen is more positive comments, less negativity.

A new way for me to stay positive in my own life is that each night before I go to bed, I write a happy moment of my day on a small piece of paper and throw it in a vase. Some days are easier than others but either way, it forces me to think of the good things that happened rather than the negative. At the end of the year, I am going to sit down and read all of them. Just to have a very fond memory of the year...instead of a pessimistic outlook.

I attached the link to the Today show segment. Please watch it and get the inspiration that others are feeling. I encourage you to do something that makes your day positive each day. Once you're happy with your day, you can start making others happy about their days.

Best of luck and enjoy tomorrow!

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