
Monday, January 21, 2013


Yep, that's right. Today was the day.

As part of my resolution to simplify, I wanted to reduce my social media time. More importantly I wanted to use it to contact people instead of stalking people that, in all honesty, I haven't talked to in years and if I saw them out, probably wouldn't talk to at all.

So why am I "friends" with these people? Because we went to the same high school and had 10th grade Geometry together? Because my sorority used to party with your fraternity even though I only know you by your greek nickname? Because you're a friend of someone I met at a social gathering and then saw that you and I have a mutual friend?

No offense, but those aren't reasons to be friends with me. It's not that I don't think you're cool or look down on you in any way. I just don't really know you and I highly doubt that Facebook will make us BFF.

So in an effort to make my life easier and minimize my time on social media sites, like Facebook, I "unfriend"-ed over 120 people. It's nothing against them personally...I just have no reason to see that you think all people on welfare should be drug tested. (I know you've all seen that picture!)

I also have gone through my school email, yahoo email, and gmail email accounts and deleted any useless emails that have been sitting around in any folder. Along with that, I closed a hotmail account that I haven't used for anything other than junk mail for about 4 years. Who needs to check an email account that you know full well is only getting junk email??? That's such a waste of time!

I know it seems like a small task (depending on how many emails you read on a daily basis) but this was a huge check on the list. I needed to clear out some digital clutter from my life.

So today, go through your facebook friend list and see how many people you don't even know anymore. Do you really need to know about every second they spent at the gym or that they liked a photo so some kids could get a puppy? Probably not. So unless you feel a strong need to remain acquaintances with them, it's probably time for a friend facelift.

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