
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Simplify- Day 3 My Dresser

Yes this week has been all about my clothes and I apologize but I know why that has been my subject of choice.

I have a secret. Shhh...You can't tell anyone.


I'm terrible at it. I never put my clothes away. When I change at night to go to bed, I throw my clothes in the laundry and when I get up in the morning to shower and go to work, I just leave my pj's wherever. When laundry is washed, dried, and folded, my darling husband brings the clothes upstairs and puts everything on my dresser. This is a very convenient place to put it for easy stowing, right? Wrong! I will let it sit on top of my dresser forever for all I care. I HATE putting away clothes. Don't get me started on having to hang clean clothes. AWFUL!

When it is completely and utterly necessary for me to be an adult and put my clothes away, I usually just jam everything in a drawer somewhere so that it remotely fits and is out of sight. Very adult of me, I know...

So in my efforts to simplify and basically organize my stuff this year, I decided that instead of me leaving clothes on the dresser or just throwing them in a drawer, that it was time for me to purge the old and neatly organize my folded clothes. And I'll tell ya what! You would not believe the amount of clothing one can fit into a drawer when everything is neatly folded! It's awesome!

It also probably helps that I got rid of any clothing that I don't wear, can't fit, or don't like. I'm following the mantra that you shouldn't keep anything in your house that you don't find beautiful or useful. That will really help anyone get rid of stuff.

Aside from that, I put my shirts in sleeve and color order for easy finding in the mornings. The only addition, if you have the extra cash, would be to add dividers to keep your clothes neatly separated. They aren't really pricey but you need to make sure you have the right size. I have seen on Pinterest a DIY but I have yet to try it.

So again, I apologize if I'm boring you with all the clothing talk but I need to get that together and work my way around the house. (It gets harder the farther I get) So day 3 mission: Completed!! 

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